Entretanto, os cientistas que não temem, como Richard Tol, que é apenas um dos melhores economistas do Mundo, vão dando mais achas para esta fogueira que consome o IPCC. Neste artigo, a conclusão é clara:
Chapter 11 of AR4 WG3 suggests that climate policy could stimulate economic growth and would create jobs. These claims are supported by gray literature only, and they are biased. |
Neste outro artigo, as conclusões são igualmente devastadoras:
The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of Working Group II (WG2) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been discussed extensively in recent months. A number of errors were discovered. Few documents are without fault. What is surprising, however, is that the IPCC has denied obvious mistakes; and that the errors all point towards alarmism about the impacts of climate change. The WG3 report did not attract the same scrutiny. This could create the impression that WG3 wrote a sound report. That impression would be false. Just as WG2 appears to have systematically overstated the negative impacts of climate change, WG3 appears to have systematically understated the negative impacts of greenhouse gas emission reduction. |
Como se isto não fosse suficiente, depois das análises de Tol, num artigo muito detalhado, verifica-se que das 330 referências do WG3, 139 são de literatura cinzenta! 42% das referências desse capítulo não são peer-reviewed! Estão admirados?