A lot of good work is being done, in other languages, to audit the pseudo-science behind most of the Media hype regarding Climate, Energy and the Environment. In some countries, a little few are battling a great crowd, and that is particularly true in countries where the Green movement is widespread, like in Germany and Denmark. In some cases, the sites are not dedicated to these issues, and I have linked only the relevant parts, involving specific tags and categories.
The list below is ordered by language, and then by importance of the sites. I've used mainly Google Pagerank and post activity to rank the sites. Please notice that you can order the table by the columns; just click on the headers to sort by a specific column. Please also notice translation of the sites through Google translate, into five major spoken languages.
While I have checked all the sites through Google translate, some issues might have been left behind. If you don't want your site referenced here, or if you have some suggestions, send me an email (email on the top left). I can't guarantee a prompt reply, but I'll look into it. If you're one of the top sites for your country, and would like to help, I'm trying to get a fixed list of contacts that can evaluate further requests in the language that you know better than me.
Blog | Link | Language | Country | Translation | ||||
Eng | Spa | Por | Ger | Fre | ||||
Climategate česky | kremlik.blog.idnes.cz | Czech | Czech Republic | |||||
Klimaskeptik.cz | www.klimaskeptik.cz | Czech | Czech Republic | |||||
Klimabedrag.dk | klimabedrag.dk | Danish | Denmark | |||||
Climategate.nl | climategate.nl | Dutch | Netherlands | |||||
Klimaatveranderingen: fabels en feiten | www.klimaatgek.nl/cms/ | Dutch | Netherlands | |||||
Dr. C. (Kees) le Pair | www.clepair.net | Dutch | Netherlands | |||||
de Groene Rekenkamer | www.groenerekenkamer.nl | Dutch | Netherlands | |||||
De Klimatosoof | www.klimatosoof.nl | Dutch | Netherlands | |||||
Klimaathype | www.vkblog.nl/blog/6752... | Dutch | Netherlands | |||||
The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE | omniclimate.wordpress.c... | English | Italy | |||||
NoTricksZone | notrickszone.com | English | Germany | |||||
The Reference Frame | motls.blogspot.com/sear... | English | Czech Republic | |||||
Die Klimazwiebel | klimazwiebel.blogspot.c... | English | Germany | |||||
meteoLCD | meteo.lcd.lu | English | Luxemboug | |||||
Claes Johnson on Mathematics and Science | claesjohnson.blogspot.c... | English | Sweden | |||||
UD/RK Samhälls Debatt | uddebatt.wordpress.com/... | English | Sweden | |||||
Our Man In Sichuan | ourmaninsichuan.wordpre... | English | China | |||||
Ilmastonmuutos | ilmastohuijaus.blogspot... | Finnish | Finland | |||||
Ilmastofoorumi ry | www.ilmastofoorumi.fi/b... | Finnish | Finland | |||||
Boris "Boba" Winterhalter's Home Page | www.kolumbus.fi/boris.w... | Finnish | Finland | |||||
Changement Climatique | www.skyfall.fr | French | France | |||||
Objectif Liberté | www.objectifliberte.fr/... | French | France | |||||
Climat de Terreur | climatdeterreur.info | French | France | |||||
Pensée Unique | www.pensee-unique.fr | French | France | |||||
ICE Blog | iceblog.over-blog.com | French | France | |||||
Vincent Courtillot (Blog non-officiel) | vincentcourtillot.blogs... | French | France | |||||
Réchauffement médiatique | www.rechauffementmediat... | French | Canada | |||||
Climat Sceptique | climat-sceptique.over-b... | French | France | |||||
Le Blogue du Québécois Libre | www.leblogueduql.org/en... | French | Canada | |||||
PapyJako | www.lepost.fr/perso/pap... | French | France | |||||
pecqror | www.lepost.fr/perso/pec... | French | France | |||||
La Terre du Futur | www.laterredufutur.com | French | ||||||
EIKE - Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie | www.eike-klima-energie.... | German | Germany | |||||
KlimaNotizen | www.klimanotizen.de | German | Germany | |||||
klimaskeptiker.info | www.klimaskeptiker.info | German | Germany | |||||
Die Klima-Schwindel-Presseschau | www.schmanck.de/KlimaPr... | German | Germany | |||||
Internet-Vademecum | vademecum.brandenberger... | German | Germany | |||||
Ökowatch | oekowatch.org | German | Germany | |||||
Readers Edition | www.readers-edition.de/... | German | Germany | |||||
Alles Schall und Rauch | alles-schallundrauch.bl... | German | Germany | |||||
SOLARKRITIK.DE | solarresearch.org/sk201... | German | Germany | |||||
klimanews | klimakatastrophe.wordpr... | German | Germany | |||||
ScienceSkepticalBlog | www.science-skeptical.d... | German | Germany | |||||
Infoblog Media | infoblogmedia.wordpress... | German | Germany | |||||
Klima-Schwindel | www.klima-schwindel.com | German | Switzerland | |||||
NIPCC - Suisse | www.nipcc.ch | German | Switzerland | |||||
Klimaüberraschung | www.klima-ueberraschung... | German | Germany | |||||
gaertner-online.de | gaertner-online.de/ | German | Germany | |||||
Klimablog | klimablog.blog.de/ | German | Germany | |||||
KlimaZwieback | klimazwieback.wordpress... | German | Germany | |||||
arlesheimreloaded | www.arlesheimreloaded.c... | German | Switzerland | |||||
Mittelalterliche Warmperiode | mittelalterlichewarmper... | German | Germany | |||||
Der Wettermann | www.derwettermann.de | German | Germany | |||||
Ökologismus | www.oekologismus.de | German | Germany | |||||
archaeopteryx | www.archaeopteryxgr.blo... | Greek | Greece | |||||
Ginnungagap | agbjarn.blog.is/blog/ag... | Icelandic | Iceland | |||||
New Ice Age | daltonsminima.altervist... | Italian | Italy | |||||
Climate Monitor | www.climatemonitor.it | Italian | Italy | |||||
Il Tafano Climatico | iltafanoclimatico.wordp... | Italian | Italy | |||||
La Valle del Siele | lavalledelsiele.com/tag... | Italian | Italy | |||||
Klimaforskning | klimaforskning.com | Norwegian | Norway | |||||
KlimaRealistene | klimarealistene.com | Norwegian | Norway | |||||
Klimatilsynet | klimatilsynet.wordpress... | Norwegian | Norway | |||||
Climometric | climometric.blogspot.co... | Norwegian | Norway | |||||
Veien opp | veienopp.reiersol.com | Norwegian | Norway | |||||
Klimaagnostikere | stjakobs.dyndns.org/Kli... | Norwegian | Norway | |||||
Ecotretas | ecotretas.blogspot.com | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
METSUL | www.metsul.com/blog/ | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Espectador Interessado | espectadorinteressado.b... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Sol e Mudanças Climáticas | sandcarioca.wordpress.c... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Quarta República | quartarepublica.wordpre... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
A Ciência não é neutra | a-ciencia-nao-e-neutra.... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
O Insurgente | www.oinsurgente.org/cat... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Marxismo Cultural | omarxismocultural.blogs... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Vermelhos Não! | vermelhosnao.blogspot.c... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Fiel Inimigo | fiel-inimigo.blogspot.c... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Blog do ambientalismo | blogdoambientalismo.com... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Clima: Virtual vs Real | clima-virtual-vs-real.b... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Ciência Alternativa | betoorcy.blogspot.com | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
HorAbsurda | horabsurda.org | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Luz ligada | luzligada.blogspot.com | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Terrorismo Climático | terrorismoclimatico.blo... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Mitos Climáticos | mitos-climaticos.blogsp... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Abrupto | abrupto.blogspot.com/se... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Valterlucio Comenta | valterlucio.blogspot.co... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
As escolhas do Beijokense | beijokense.blogspot.com... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Mídia@Mais | www.midiaamais.com.br/a... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Fliscorno | fliscorno.blogspot.com/... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
para um mundo livre | paraummundolivre.blogsp... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
Mata Alheia Mamata No$$a | mataalheiamamatanossa.b... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Verde: a cor nova do comunismo | ecologia-clima-aquecime... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Só me apetece cobrir! | so-me-apetece-cobrir.bl... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
FakeClimate | www.fakeclimate.com | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Ecocídio | www.ecocidio.com.br/tag... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
O Vigia | ovigia.wordpress.com/ca... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
A Nova Ordem Mundial | www.anovaordemmundial.c... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Aliança Nacional | nacionalismo-de-futuro.... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
A Grande Farsa do Aquecimento Global | agfdag.wordpress.com | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Falar do tempo | falardotempo.blogspot.c... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
A Conspiração | revelatti.blogspot.com/... | Portuguese | Brazil | |||||
Pontas Soltas | www.pontassoltas.com/ca... | Portuguese | Portugal | |||||
co2 | antonuriarte.blogspot.c... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Ecología: Mitos y Fraudes | www.mitosyfraudes.org/A... | Spanish | Argentina | |||||
amazing snow | amazingsnow.wordpress.c... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
La nueva edad de hielo | lanuevaedaddehielo.blog... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Observatorio ARVAL | www.oarval.org/CambioCl... | Spanish | Venezuela | |||||
PlazaMoyua.org | plazamoyua.com/category... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
El Fraude del Cambio Climático | fraudecambioclimatico.b... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Banquisa en el Ártico: el blog del hielo marino | diablobanquisa.wordpres... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Desde el exilio | www.desdeelexilio.com/t... | Spanish | Germany | |||||
El Llanero Solidario | llanerosolidario.blogsp... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Climategate Country Club | www.climategatecountryc... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
El Blog de Figaro | figaro1032.wordpress.co... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
El escéptico climático | elescepticoclimatico.bl... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Mar de Valdeperrillos.com | valdeperrillos.com/cate... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Pinto Pinto Gorgorito | pintopintogorgorito.es/... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Alerta Cambio Climático | www.alertaclimatico.com... | Spanish | Argentina | |||||
Ideas para Confundir | loquehaya.blogspot.com/... | Spanish | Spain | |||||
Pseudociencia Académica Global | biocab.org/Pseudocienci... | Spanish | Mexico | |||||
The Climate Scam | www.theclimatescam.se | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Andas lugnt | andaslugnt.blogspot.com | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Klimathotet | www.klimathotet.info | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Miljöfara | www.miljofara.se | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Flute-Tankar | flutetankar.blogspot.co... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Med örat mot rälsen | snowrollersden.blogspot... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
tcsuncensored.se | tcsuncensored.se | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Stockholmsinitiativet | www.stockholminitiative... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Moderna Myter | blog.moderna-myter.se | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Föreningen Svenskt Landskapsskydd | www.landskapsskydd.se | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Förnuftets kalla och oresonliga röst | svanberg.wordpress.com/... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Klimatbluffen | klimatbluffen.blogspot.... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Vetenskapsbloggen | www.metrobloggen.se/jsp... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
En historikers betraktelser | enhistorikersbetraktels... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Klimatsvammel | unrealclimate.blogspot.... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Tänk kallt | www.premissforlag.se/bl... | Swedish | Sweden | |||||
Hela Havet Stormar | helahavetstormar.nu | Swedish | ||||||
ชีวิตนี้สั้นนัก..หัวเราะกันให้เยอะๆ | wwisartsakul.wordpress.... | Thai | Thailand |