Obama não é fã do Aquecimento Global. Já aqui referimos como George Bush se referia mais ao Aquecimento Global que Obama. E a confirmação continua, com o seu recente discurso no MIT na passada sexta-feira, cuja visualização é possível no link abaixo. Nem uma única referência ao Aquecimento Global, ou ao cap & trade, e apenas duas às Alterações Climáticas... Em vez disso, o tema da política energética foi repetidamente mencionado...
Obviamente, os ambientalistas não gostaram! Obama até gaguejou na falha dos seus queridos telepontos (aos 8:06 e sobretudo aos 14:27). Se fosse a Sarah Palin, já estaria em todos os noticiários, mas estamos a falar do Prémio Nobel da Paz! Mas o problema maior é o presidente dos Estados Unidos, um país que supostamente apregoa a democracia e a liberdade de expressão, dizer o que diz a partir dos 23:06
So we are seeing a convergence. The naysayers, the folks who would pretend that this is not an issue, they are being marginalized. But I think it's important to understand that the closer we get, the harder the opposition will fight and the more we'll hear from those whose interest or ideology run counter to the much needed action that we're engaged in. There are those who will suggest that moving toward clean energy will destroy our economy -- when it's the system we currently have that endangers our prosperity and prevents us from creating millions of new jobs. There are going to be those who cynically claim -- make cynical claims that contradict the overwhelming scientific evidence when it comes to climate change, claims whose only purpose is to defeat or delay the change that we know is necessary.
So we're going to have to work on those folks. But understand there's also another myth that we have to dispel, and this one is far more dangerous because we're all somewhat complicit in it. It's far more dangerous than any attack made by those who wish to stand in the way progress -- and that's the idea that there is nothing or little that we can do. It's pessimism. It's the pessimistic notion that our politics are too broken and our people too unwilling to make hard choices for us to actually deal with this energy issue that we're facing. And implicit in this argument is the sense that somehow we've lost something important -- that fighting American spirit, that willingness to tackle hard challenges, that determination to see those challenges to the end, that we can solve problems, that we can act collectively, that somehow that is something of the past.
Nós somos alguns desses folks. Que trabalho quererá ele fazer connsoco? E entretanto, no caminho da Nova Ordem Mundial, a estratégia é aprovar as novas leis e tratados à sucapa... Sem debate nem argumentação, porque somos todos cinicamente estúpidos!