Em vésperas de ser publicamente confrontado com a sua política energética, Sócrates fez ema visita surpresa a Évora, para enaltecer o avanço português nos domínios da energia. Afinal somos os maiores, uma e outra vez, sendo supostamente reconhecidos lá fora, por sermos pioneiros das maiores aberacções energéticas, que ensinamos cá dentro.
Hoje Sócrates foi mais do mesmo, sobre o InovCity:
- "Este é um dos projetos mais inovadores da Europa"
- "A EDP, ao longo destes dois anos, foi capaz de chegar a este ponto, de fazer uma experiência piloto numa cidade de média dimensão como Évora"
The world's largest smart meter deployment was undertaken by Enel SpA, the dominant utility in Italy with over 27 million customers. Between 2000 and 2005 Enel deployed smart meters to its entire customer base. |
Reino Unido:
Smart meters were first introduced as a standard in the United Kingdom in September 2008 by First Utility, primarily for their customers in the East and West Midlands |
Países Nórdicos:
Northern Europe became the hotspot for AMM in Europe in 2003 when Sweden announced the decision to require monthly readings of all electricity meters by 2009. |
The Government of Ontario set a target of deploying smart meters to 800,000 homes and small businesses (i.e. small "general service" customers under 50 kW demand) by the end of 2007, which was surpassed |
Estados Unidos:
Austin Energy, the nation's ninth largest community-owned electric utility, with nearly 400,000 electricity customers in and around Austin, Texas, began deploying a two-way RF mesh network and approximately 260,000 residential smart meters in 2008. More than 165,000 two-way meters have been installed by spring 2009 |
Nova Zelândia:
In November 2005, energy supplier Meridian Energy introduced the usage of smart meters in the Central Hawkes Bay area with over 1000 households participating. By late 2006, over 6,300 smart meters had been installed as part of the initial trial |