As razões para isto são bem conhecidas dos leitores do blog. Os subsídios são tão generosos que até os Americanos fazem questão de participar no banquete... Veja-se como os governantes até tentam fugir com o rabo à seringa num cable do Wikileaks (realces da minha responsabilidade):
A greater concern was the difficulties faced by a large project by SolarReserve that was important both in terms of economic activity and technology development. Minister Sebastian responded by explaining how the GOS had seen a bubble develop in solar photovoltaic electricity projects in 2008 and was seeing one in solar thermal projects in 2009. In both cases, far more companies had applied to build projects and receive the generous guaranteed feed-in tariffs than the GOS had expected, and the result was going to be very expensive to consumers for many years. He noted that the GOS had changed its registration process to burst these bubbles, and that many Spanish companies were very upset with the GOS for doing so. |
Mesmo sabendo, e dizendo, estas coisas, lá inventaram um concurso à medida da SolarReserve nestes últimos dias. Em Espanha, nunca como agora se pensou que não é Zapatero que governa, mas o Mr. Bean. Cá, como lá, é a mesma palhaçada!