Additional costs associated with electricity production under the ordinary regime 5.6. Take measures in order to limit the additional cost associated with the production of electricity under the ordinary regime, in particular through renegotiation or downward revision of the guaranteed compensation mechanism (CMEC) paid to producers under the ordinary regime and the remaining long-term power-purchase agreements (PPAs). [Q4-2011] |
Support schemes for production of energy under the special regime (cogeneration and renewables) 5.7. Review the efficiency of support schemes for co-generation and propose possible options for adjusting downward the feed-in tariff used in co-generation (reduce the implicit subsidy) [Q4-2011] 5.8. Review in a report the efficiency of support schemes for renewables, covering their rationale, their levels, and other relevant design elements.[Q4-2011] 5.9. For existing contracts in renewables, assess in a report the possibility of agreeing a renegotiation of the contracts in view of a lower feed-in tariff. [Q4-2011] 5.10. For new contracts in renewables, revise downward the feed-in tariffs and ensure that the tariffs do not over-compensate producers for their costs and they continue to provide an incentive to reduce costs further, through digressive tariffs. For more mature technologies develop alternative mechanisms (such as feed-in premiums). Reports on action taken will be provided annually in Q3-2011, Q3-2012 and Q3-2013. 5.11. Decisions on future investments in renewables, in particular in less mature technologies,will be based on a rigorous analysis in terms of its costs and consequences for energy prices. International benchmarks should be used for the analysis and an independent evaluation should be carried out. Reports on action taken will be provided annually in Q3-2011, Q3-2012 and Q3-2013. |
Actualização: As acções da EDPR seguem a cair 6%. Porque será? Mais cedo, ou mais tarde, a bolha teria que estoirar!
Actualização II: As acções da Semapa, Portucel, Galp, EDP e Altri também entraram em queda livre depois de se saber do plano do FMI... Será que a mama da co-geração ia durar para sempre???