As mensagens devem ser consideradas um complemento ao Climategate 1.0. Nenhuma mensagem nova de 2010 e 2011 aparece na lista. O ficheiro contém, no entanto, cerca de 220 mil mensagens encriptadas, que não se sabe muito bem o que são...
A única referência interessante a Portugal, é uma mensagem já antiga, a "clamar" por acção:
We would like to invite proposals from activists working on climate campaigning. Following an activist and NGO meeting in March this year, attended by climate activists from Europe, Asia, USA, Australia and Latin America, funding was obtained to support two people to work on a project connected to the sixth United Nations Climate Convention, otherwise known as the Conference of the Parties (COP6), which will happen in Autumn/Winter 2000/2001. The United Nations is currently considering only one possible location for the meeting - den Haag, The Netherlands. The International working group formed after the activist and NGO meeting are looking for two people who would be able to create something innovative and effective with this funding. They will be based in a Climate research group in Portugal, 'Euronatura'. The campaign will be supported by the International working group which has experience of United Nations negotiations, direct action, campaigning, economics and climate science. Groups supporting this campaign include : eyfa, Aseed, Carbusters Magazine, Korean Ecological Youth, Free The Planet USA, EuroNatura, Climate Action Network Latin America, Climate Action Network Central and Eastern Europe and Oilwatch Europe. The thing that joins these people together is the desire to work together to radicalise the agenda of the climate negotiations. The current direction of the negotiations cannot hope to define targets nor build mechanisms of implementation and compliance which will stop the currently dangerous emissions levels of Greenhouse Gases. Ideally, the collaboration between the two funded volunteers, Euronatura and the International working group, will touch on all aspects of climate change and the related campaigns of oil, forest, marine and transport. Equally, the collaboration will be aware of all strategies to counter the weakness of the United Nations and the dominance of certain lobbying groups (notably the oil and nuclear industry). The strategies discussed by the International working group revolve around direct action, research and negotiation. |