Numbers keep on going up in the Media. In this page we will maintain some statistics about the death toll in December 2009. Please click on the number of each country to reach the news supporting the number. If you have more recent data regarding a specific country, with a credible media web page, please send it to my email.
May they all rest in peace!
Austria: 3
Bosnia: 5
Canada: 2+1+1+2
China: 1
Czech Republic: 12
Denmark: 2
Finland: 4
France: 12
Germany: 7
Ireland: 1
Mexico: 9
Nepal: 18
Norway: 1
Portugal: 2
Romania: 11
Spain: 3
Switzerland: 5
Ukraine: 27
United Kingdom:
United States: 17+4+5+2+7+3+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+2+3
Total: 513