O email surge depois de Revkin ter referenciado muito ao de leve a já muita conhecida história das prostitutas de Copenhaga. Segue-se a outro email, ameaçando Revkin por ter dado um pequeno destaque a Roger A. Pielke. São emails como este que confirmam a veracidade da natureza do Climategate, e que explicam porque não andam os media a referir-se ao Climategate! Vejam o email abaixo (realces da minha responsabilidade) e tirem as vossas conclusões!
Copenhagen prostitutes?
Climate prostitutes?
Shame on you for this gutter reportage.
This is the second time this week I have written you thereon, the first about giving space in your blog to the Pielkes.
The vibe that I am getting from here, there and everywhere is that your reportage is very worrisome to most climate scientists.
Of course, your blog is your blog.
But, I sense that you are about to experience the 'Big Cutoff' from those of us who believe we can no longer trust you, me included.
Copenhagen prostitutes?
Unbelievable and unacceptable.
What are you doing and why?